dilluns, 26 de maig del 2014

Writing Unit 6: About me and my view of the world

My name is Pol Molera and I'm a student in Casa Nostra in Banyoles. I'm interested in basketball and tennis.  Some of my friends are into tennis too. The people who I spend most time with are my family and my friends. The thing which I like best is talk with the friends on the lake.

I don't  think that the world is a bad place, because there are a lot of wars and there are hungry and a lot of people who steel. There aren't many things that make me angry but one thing is the persons who steel . 

As far as the future is concerned, it sometimes worries me that we won't have peace. I'm fairly optimistic about my future and I will be a good empresary. 

Writing Unit 8: About an experience

About an experience:
This time last year, things weren't going to well for me. I'd failed my last exams at school and I need to recuperate 4 subjects. My friends invited me to go out but I couldn't because I need to study for the recuperations. I spent 3 days studying a lot.

Everything changed me the last day of study . I was a bit nervous for the exams but I tought that the exams needs to be good and I don't want to go to the recuperations on September. For that reason I study harder and I went to bed. The next day start with the exams and they went good for me.

Finally at summer I went to school and they said to me that I didn't fail any of the 4 exams that I did . I was very happy in that moment because I didn't need to study on summer. These days I feel much happier because if I fail in september now in 4th of ESO I need to recuperate that subjects. 

diumenge, 25 de maig del 2014

Abercrombie Boycott

Abercrombie Y Fitch is facing a backlash over comments made by its CEO abount only wanting "good-looking people" to wear their clothes. Mike Jeffries remarks, published in a new book, have caused several stars, including Miley Cyrus, to boycott the brand. Meanwhile, one blogger is attracting attention with her spoof adverts for a fashion retailer - the Us store doesn't do above a size of 10 for women.

Funny Hats

More than 300,000 people go to royal Acot Week: the most popular horse races in Europe. The Queen sits in the Royal Enclosure, where there is a strict dress code. Women wear dresses and hats and you can see some very crazy crations.


Snapchat with this free photo app you just shoot and send. Simple. The cool thing is that the photos self-destruct ten seconds after opening so there's no pressure to look good in them.

dilluns, 12 de maig del 2014


It looks like a fencing mask, but its design is actually inspired by the air funnels on boats. Either way, we love the look of this stylish new bluetooth speaker, a collaboration between the British furniture chain Habitat and the French hi-fi house Elipson. TS

Google robots

Silicon Valley, San Francisco
BigDog(pictured), a four-legged all-terrain robot developed for the US military, and Cheetah, a robot that can outran the fastest human, now belong to Google. The internet giant has just bought Boston Dynamics, a company known for building robots that look like they belong in a science-fiction film. The question is, what will it do with them?